TM 11-5815-602-10
TO 31W4-2UGC74-1
b. If more than the required characters are specified or the hexadecimal digit does not cor-
respond to an ASCII character, error message No. 10 is printed.
c. If a message is being transmitted when the TENVELOPE subcommand is selected, error
message No. 19 is printed. No change is made, and the subcommand is complete.
d. In Baudot mode, on power-up initialization, the envelope is empty.
e. In ASCII mode, on power-up initialization, the envelope is as follows:
f. The keystroke sequence for the TENVELOPE subcommand is b0TENVELOPE (#b2HH) :
(#b2HH) b0CR.
If null (no) envelopes are desired, do not enter any hexadecimal digits after
the space following the subcommands. Enter the colon (:), a space, and a
g. The shortest acceptable form of the subcommand is TENV.
h. operator example: While in the PARAMETER command level, the operator decides to
change the TENVELOPE using the ASCII Hexadecimal code to read BEGIN and END.