TM 11-5815-602-10
TO 31W4-2UGC74-1
1. If the operator has input "STATUS b21 CR", only information concerning
message No. 1 would have been printed. The percent of the total of
message memory full would also be printed.
If the operator has input "STATUS b0 CR", the system would have printed
only the last received message and the percent of message memory all
messages occupied.
The operator wants to notify all stations that the system will be off line for 10 minutes.
Operator action
Inputs b0TTYb0CR
System response
The system accepts command and issues a carriage-return and two line-feeds to indicate that it
is ready for the operator to enter the message. The message is transmitted when a carriage-return
is entered. The system is returned to the System Command level.
F-5 / F-6 blank