TM 11-5815-602-10
TO 31W4-2UGC74-1
(1) Allows operator to specify message number to be transmitted.
When number specified is not a composed message in the system, error message No.
2 (message not found) is printed and system returns to System Command level.
Specific message is marked, transmitted and printed at the same time.
(2) If previous transmission has not been completed:
Error Message
(xmitter busy) is printed.
q Command
is terminated.
(3) If HLT key stops printing of message:
Error Message
is printed.
. Transmission continues until completion.
(4) If ABORT switch stops transmission:
Message is marked "not transmitted".
(5) If an empty message is specified:
Error Message
(message empty) is printed.
No transmission.
(6) Keystroke sequence for TRANSMIT command is either:
b0 TRANSMIT b2 (message number) b0 CR".
The following keystroke sequence is used with channel sequence
number and header.
b0 TRANSMIT b2 (message number) b2 WITH b2 N N N b0 CR".
(7) Shortest acceptable form of command is TR.