Figure 1-1. test set, Telephone AN/PTM-7Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-648-120015Section Il. DESCRIPTION AND DATAItems Comprising an Operable EquipmentTesting Cable, Special Purpose, Electrical CX-4245/GFigure 3-9. Normal CX-4245/G connections for bridge-circuit operation.Figure 3-10. CX-4245/G connections for bridge-circuit operation if cable is broken or cable connectors are damaged.Figure 3-11. CX-4245/G resistance/temperature compensation curves.Operation in Arctic ClimatesChapter 4. MAINTENANCEOrganizational Monthly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Service ChartSection Il. TROUBLESHOOTINGRepairs and Adjustments - TM-11-6625-648-120029Chapter 5. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE - TM-11-6625-648-120031Appendix I. REFERENCESAppendiz II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST (BIIL) AND ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED LIST (ITIAL)Section Il. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTAppendix III. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONSection II. Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-11-6625-648-120038Setion III. Tools and Testr Equipment RequirementsChapter II. INSTALLATIONFigure 2-1. Packaging of Test Set, Telephone AN/PTM-7.Installing Batteries, Dry BA-30Figure 2-2. Location of batteries, dry BA-30Installing Batteries, Dry BA-30 - continuedChapter 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 3-2. Color coding of meter scale and METER SELECT switch.Operator's Controls, Switches, Indicators, and ConnectorsGeneral Operating ProceduresStarting ProcedureFigure 3-4. Use of pcm probe when measuring pcm signals at TD-206/G.Figure 3-5. Use of order-wire probes on Restorer, Pulse Form TD-206/G.Figure 3-6. Normal connections for order-wire circuit operation and TD-206/G tests.Figure 3-7. Connections for order-wire operation if CX-4245/G is broken or connectors are damaged.Testing Restorers, Pulse Form TD-206/GTM-11-6625-648-12 Test Set Telephone AN/PTM-7 Manual