Figure 1-1. Telephone Test Set TS-716/U.Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-596-120006Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATADescription of AssembliesTest Rack Assembly 1A3.Figure 1-2. Top case assembly 1A2Figure 1-3. Telephone test set TS-716/U, typical test setup.Figure 1-4. Test rack assembly 1A3, front view.Figure 1-5. Panel chassis assembly 1A4, front viewChapter 2. OPERATIONFigure 2-1. Packaging of Telephone Test Set TS-716/U.ConnectionsSection II. OPERATOR'S CONTROLS AND INDICATORSTelephone Test Set TS-716/U Operating Controls and IndicatorsTelephone Test Set TS-716/U Operating Controls and Indicators - continuedSection III. OPERATION OF TELEPHONE TEST SET TS-716/UControl Settings and Operating Pushbutton Switches.Telephone Dial TestsRinger TestsMicrophone-Earphone CombinationsSection IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-11-6625-596-120025Chapter 3. OPERATOR MAINTENANCEPreventive Maintenance Checks and Services PeriodsDaily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ChartCleaningChapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCEFigure 4-1. Test rack assembly 1A3, rear viewMonthly Preventive ,Maintenance Checks and Services ChartTouchup Painting InstructionsTroubleshooting Chart - TM-11-6625-596-120034Figure 4-2. Panel chassis assembly 1A4, rear view.Repairs and Adjustments - TM-11-6625-596-120036Chapter 5. SHIPMENT, LIMITED STORAGE, AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USESection II. DEMOLITION OF MATERIAL TO PREVENT ENEMY USEAppendix A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-596-120039Appendix B. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTExplanation of ColumnsSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSAppendix C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONExplanation of FormatSECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-6625-596-120045TABLE I. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSAppendix D. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTMaintenance code - TM-11-6625-596-120048Special Information - TM-11-6625-596-120049SECTION II. PRESCRIBED LOAD ALLOWANCESECTION III. REPAIR PARTS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCESECTION v. INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATIONSECTION VI. INDEX- REFERENCE DESIGNATION CROSS REFERENCE TO PAGE NUMBERFigure 5-1. Telephone Test Set TS-716-/U,controls indicator ,and connectors.TM-11-6625-596-12 Telephone Test Set TS-716/U Manual